

St. 保罗,明尼苏达州. ——重申明尼苏达州对无碳未来的承诺, Governor Tim Walz emphasized 的 pivotal role of 的 state’s clean energy sector 和 its substantial contributions to Minnesota’s economic l和scape. He issued a proclamation designating April 11, 2024, as Clean Energy Business Day across Minnesota.

This proclamation aligns with 的 eighth consecutive Clean Energy Business Day at 的 Capitol, a significant event dedicated to education 和 宣传 for individuals 和 entities engaged in Minnesota’s energy efficiency 和 clean energy sectors. 清洁能源商界的坚定倡导者, Governor Walz has notably enacted 的 100% Clean Energy by 2040 law 和 established 的 state’s Climate Action Framework with a net-zero goal economy-wide by 2050.

Quick fact: This year’s Clean Energy Business Day will be 的 largest in its eight-year history, 超过200人将在国会大厦出席.

“Clean energy encompasses thriving business sectors including energy efficiency, 可再生能源, 绿色建筑, 电动汽车, 清洁燃料, 能量储存, 和 advanced grid technologies that toge的r are critical to Minnesota achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 – 和 carbon-free electricity by 2040,总督的公告中写道.

“The State of Minnesota is moving our state's Climate Action Framework into action, 加强明尼苏达州的清洁能源经济, 建设我们清洁能源的未来,明尼苏达州商务专员格蕾丝·阿诺德说. “The historic investments in funding 和 programs from 的 federal 和 state government have presented new opportunities in clean energy. We are excited to see many Minnesota 靠谱的外围竞猜app stepping up to take on new roles in 的 clean energy economy.”

“我们正处于明尼苏达州清洁能源产业的关键时刻. Our business community is 的 key ingredient in delivering 的 ambitious objectives laid out by policymakers,格雷格·马斯特说, 清洁能源经济MN执行董事. "The clean energy transformation in Minnesota is not only creating family-sustaining jobs, 而且在提供高性价比的服务的同时也促进了我们的经济, 可靠的, 以及今天和未来几代明尼苏达人的本地能源.”

"Minnesota's solar industry continues to be a bright addition to Minnesota's clean energy economy,洛根·奥格雷迪说, Executive Director of 的 Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association (MnSEIA). "We are now at a critical turning point in our state's carbon-free transition 和 while we work toward our new state energy goals, we must prioritize an 'all of 的 above' approach for solar 和 能量储存 deployment. We cannot meet our ambitious 100% carbon-free energy st和ard without a diversified energy portfolio that includes every scale of solar available. Investments in distributed energy resources will make our transition more efficient, 提高电网可靠性, 更低的价格, 创造更多就业机会, 并为所有明尼苏达人带来更好的结果."

“明尼苏达州正在为中西部地区的清洁能源制定标准. Last year’s passage of 的 carbon-free st和ard has laid 的 foundation for what we need to achieve over 的 next 16 years,彼得·梅维斯说, 清洁电网联盟区域政策总监. “虽然我们认识到这是一个具有挑战性的目标, Minnesota continues to move forward 和 enact policies that move 的 state closer to reaching full implementation.” 

“The permitting reform legislation moving through 的 House 和 Senate this session is a great example of how a broad coalition of stakeholders can come toge的r to enact a policy that will be a model for 的 entire region,麦维斯继续说.

“自从我们上次清洁能源营业日以来, 明尼苏达州的机构, 非营利组织, 和 靠谱的外围竞猜app have laid 的 groundwork to capitalize on upcoming federal 和 state energy efficiency 和 electrification programs,” 奥黛丽·帕特里奇,政策主管 能源与环境研究中心. “我们正在扩大本地业务, skilled clean energy workforce 和 business community by tapping into Minnesota's diverse communities to realize 的 incredible opportunities available through 的 IRA, 能源节约和优化法案, 以及其他国家的激励计划. 这些努力将减少排放, 启用更高水平的可再生能源, 支持我们的网格, 并帮助明尼苏达人降低能源费用, all while helping families 和社区 build wealth 和 stability through 的 local, 这些项目支持的高收入能效工作."

“Minnesota’s clean energy goals require 协作 between private 和 public entities 和 using all 的 tools available to reduce carbon emissions in 的 state,Sheri Brezinka说, U.S. 绿色建筑委员会区域主任. Green buildings are pivotal in this effort towards decarbonizing 的 built environment 和 ushering in a clean energy future. 通过像LEED和其他绿色建筑项目的倡议, Minnesota's construction industry is already taking significant strides toward this crucial goal.” 


中东欧寻求一个健康的、碳中和的经济,为所有人服务. A 501(c)(3) clean energy nonprofit with over 30 years' experience in energy efficiency, 我们将我们的战略与技术研究结合起来, 项目开发和实施, 社区参与, 政策宣传, 项目融资. 跨家庭工作, 靠谱的外围竞猜app, 和社区, CEE discovers 和 deploys 的 most effective energy solutions to improve 的 environment 和 streng的n 的 economy for everyone. 欲知详情,请浏览 2ve6n74.net


CEEM is an industry-led 501(c)(3) nonprofit representing 的 business case for clean energy in Minnesota. CEEM为全州的清洁能源靠谱的外围竞猜app提供了统一的声音. 我们的使命是提供教育领导, 协作, 和 policy analysis that accelerates clean energy market growth 和 smart energy policies. 欲知详情,请浏览 cleanenergyeconomymn.org.


MnSEIA is a member-driven 501(c)(6) nonprofit that promotes 和 protects Minnesota’s solar 和 能量储存 industries. 代表超过165家会员公司, we advocate in 的 state legislative 和 regulatory arenas in a unified 和 actionable way to move solar + storage forward. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.mnseia.org.


清洁电网联盟是一家501(c)(3)非营利组织. 保罗,明尼苏达州.该项目旨在推动中西部地区的可再生能源发展. 其成员由风能和太阳能开发商组成, 环保组织, 部落的代表, 公益团体, 清洁能源倡导者, farm groups 和 靠谱的外围竞猜app providing goods 和 services to 的 wind 和 solar industries. 欲知详情,请浏览 cleangridalliance.org.

靠谱的外围竞猜app你.S. 绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)

USGBC is committed to a prosperous 和 sustainable future through cost-efficient 和 energy-saving 绿色建筑. USGBC works toward its mission of market transformation through its LEED green building program, 强大的教育服务, 一个由当地社区领袖组成的国际网络, 一年一度的 绿色建筑国际会议 & 世博会, 的 绿色学校中心 和 宣传 in support of public policy that encourages 和 enables 绿色建筑 和社区. 欲知详情,请浏览 usgbc.org.


蒂姆•汉拉罕 thanrahan@2ve6n74.net

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