

作为一个在足球外围app哪个靠谱方面有几十年经验的非营利组织, CEE以数据为基础的学习而闻名, 有意义的合作, 以及推动永久改变的实际解决方案. 不奇怪, our approaches to equity and inclusion fall right in line with this core organizational identity. 

我们的多样性, 股本, 包容 (DEI) Council is made up of 10 staff who apply to participate, 加上三个基于角色的常任理事国:中东欧国家主席, 人力资源主管, 以及通讯主管. 理事会的核心任务是:

  1. support implementation of organizational priorities related to inclusive hiring, 项目的影响, 员工培训, 和更多;
  2. track DEI initiatives in partnership with Leadership Group, Staff Council, other departments;
  3. inform our staff and board about ongoing DEI activities and progress;
  4. act as a source of guidance and practical assistance, providing resources and guest speakers.

重要的是, 尽管安理会支持, 跟踪, 以及靠谱的外围竞猜app项目的报告, 这项工作在整个中东欧进行. 从业务中产生互补的努力, 项目, 通信, 学习, 办学, 和更多的. Guided by core values, our progress reflects and requires everyone’s shared work and intention.

我们的DEI委员会在2021年底结束了第一年的工作, we shared an overview of related company actions and progress with the full staff. 现在, as part of CEE’s commitment to be more transparent about our inclusion strategies, we offer this public post to underscore what we’re doing and why it’s so relevant to our work. 这篇文章涵盖了从2020年秋季到2021年秋季的活动.


操作 teams are powerful forces for progress on companywide efforts. 在CEE的160名员工中, nearly 20% of us spend our days primarily supporting office operations through finance, 会计, 合规, 办公室运作及行政, IT, 人力资源, 和通信.

引领潮流, 我们的DEI理事会推动和支持组织行动, 以及提供资源和报告. 在我们的实践中, CEE has introduced a contractor procurement form and vendor survey, both designed to encourage contracting with increasingly diverse vendors.

同时制定年度工作计划, teams across the company are asked to identify DEI-impactful focuses where applicable. We have also instituted new practices to encourage diverse and accessible CEE-led webinars and events. And staff are provided information and guidance to voluntarily share their pronouns in email signatures, 他们的专业背景, 缩放手柄.

以人力资源为导向, CEE的工作页面, 的帖子, criteria are all designed to attract exceptional and diverse candidates. 在新同事加入之后, annual performance reviews and surveys help us document employee insights into inclusiveness. Annual salary screens for equity further inform our budgeting and compensation framework.

Happily, we’re making headway with inclusive recruiting to strengthen our teams. 在我们去年的新员工中, 超过50%的人认为自己是黑人, 土著, 或者有色人种, CEE的BIPOC员工目前约占公司员工总数的18%. This includes 11% of CEE’s supervisors and 13% of our Leadership Group who self-identify as BIPOC. 中考大约一半的导师是女性.


In 2019, CEE将公平视为组织的核心价值, 这对实现我们健康家庭的愿景至关重要, 为所有人服务的碳中和经济. To support shared understanding and encourage cultural awareness and empathy, 我们每季度安排一次演讲嘉宾, 非正式分组会议, 以及其他公司的学习.

Our in-house newsletter “Watt’s Up” introduces staff to newly hired colleagues on a personal level, designed to promote inclusive relationships and general community-building. 通过透明度和规划提高理解, the DEI Council posts recaps of every council meeting and regularly shares resources and invites employee feedback.


CEE’s 项目 are another meaningful way we engage and support diverse communities throughout the upper Midwest, 尤其是在明尼苏达州. 今年春天,CEE将推出Xcel Energy的新产品 劳动力发展计划 专门为了吸引, 培训, eventually permanently placing people of color and women in high-quality clean energy careers. (Note: This jobs 培训 program kicked off as planned in March 2022, 第一批学员毕业 4月.)

Much of our residential program work focuses on supporting under-resourced neighborhoods, 租房者, 以及收入有限的家庭. 与城市和社区合作, our commercial 项目 provide special offers for entrepreneurs and small businesses in corridors of opportunity, 比如明尼阿波利斯的“绿区”.“全面, we’re pushing to lower an energy cost burden that is inordinately high f或者有色人种 and other marginalized Minnesotans.

Our 项目 rely on building and strengthening partnerships with culturally specific community groups, 少数派政府非营利组织, 与相关媒体建立牢固的关系, 服务, 并向关键社区学习. 同样的, our city-sponsored loan 项目 target seniors and low-income families, including significant overlaps with marginalized communities of color.


Dismantling our country’s white supremacy culture requires us all to rethink old policies and practices every day, updating or wholly replacing them with smarter approaches that intentionally support equity and inclusion. Above are some concrete actions CEE has taken toward better company policies, 招聘策略, 操作实践, 项目的角度, 社区关系, 和更多的. This ongoing practice of exploration and refinement is good for business and our souls.

因为公司政策会引导支出和招聘, nothing is more important than replacing white-centered policies with inclusive policies — but general visibility matters, 太. 所以,除了上面列出的步骤,CEE的 DEI公开声明 使我们的承诺深度正式化. Official imagery guidelines are designed to promote inclusive public 通信. And with our blog and social media, we are working to increasingly tell stories through a DEI lens.

今年,我们将继续我们已经开始的有希望的努力, 从员工的演讲嘉宾到项目合作, 日益多样化的劳动力, 以及支持性的运营政策和实践. 另外, we plan to program more rigorous 培训 and other opportunities that help us dig into key issues like microaggressions and navigating conflicting values. And we aim to keep strengthening how we track goal-driven strategies that lead to change.

中东欧的使命成功与否取决于项目, 服务, an inclusive workplace that supports all people to realize the economic and health benefits of our emerging energy system.

我们邀请社区提供意见和建议 来帮助塑造和改进我们的DEI方法. 我们边走边学, 就像所有的事情一样, we believe our greatest strengths come from harnessing the wisdom of our own teams and the full breadth of the communities in which we live and work. 有很多事情要做,而我们才刚刚开始.

Note: The image above includes a few of the excellent guest speakers who have visited CEE: From top to bottom, 凡妮莎·谢里丹, 安德烈·柯恩, 詹妮弗Nguyễn摩尔 -伟大的见解和讨论,强烈推荐!






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